Robotic Bat Wing

Robotic Bat Wing

A robotic bat wing has been developed by the researchers of Brown University. Thanks to the research, a great deal of information was gathered about the flight of bats which is quite different than of birds and insects. The role of bows, stretchiness of a bat’s skin, muscular and skeleton structure and the moves are […]

RobotCar the New Autonomous Car

RobotCar the New Autonomous Car

A new autonomous car called RobotCar is designed by the Mobile Robotics Group (MRG) of Department of Engineering Science at Oxford University in the UK. What distinguishes this autonomous car from others is its price in comparison to its technology. Currently, the team has 22 researchers and is in collaboration with Nissan by using their […]

New Vision Technology thanks to Locusts

Researchers from the University of Lincoln and Newcastle University in the UK designed a new vision technology for self-moving robots by scrutinizing locusts and their visual ability. This is a 4 year research project which began in 2011. The project is funded by the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union. Professor Shigang Yue from […]

CHIMP getting ready for Robotics Challenge

CHIMP getting ready for Robotics Challenge

CHIMP, which is an abbreviation for CMU Highly Intelligent Mobile Platform, is a human size robot being built by Carnegie Mellon University, Tartan Rescue Team. The robot is made to compete in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Robotics Challenge (DRC). DRC is a competition that will test competing robots’ human-like abilities, such as, […]

The RoboEarth Cloud Engine

The RoboEarth Cloud Engine

The RoboEarth Cloud Engine (Rapyuta) is an open source platform for robotics applications, which helps processor intensive tasks to be carried out remotely. Researchers from five universities in Europe are contributing to the development of the platform. As the calculations are done remotely, this makes carrying out a variety of difficult tasks easier for robots, […]

The Pneupard Project of Osaka University

Osaka University Japan – in order to design more efficient robots with higher speed and agility the anatomy of a cat is taken as a model in the project Pneupard. What makes the Pneupard distinct among other biomimetic robots is the use of pneumatic artificial muscles. The project team, which also studied pneumatic artificial muscles […]

Leaping Silicone Robot with Inflammable Gasses

Leaping Silicone Robot with Inflammable Gasses

The soft robot designed by the researchers of Harvard University is able to move upright, crawl below objects and change its color; and now leaping is another recently improved ability of it. The precisely controlled mixture of methane and oxygen in the tubes shown in the picture creates a slight explosion and with that explosion […]

Rex: the First and Most Complete Bionic Man

Rex is an outcome and a breakthrough of the latest prosthetic and biomimicry technology that can imitate the abilities of human body and even surpasses them. With his many aspects Rex is an ordinary man except for the fact that he is a real world bionic man that can see, talk and communicate with people. […]

RASSOR: the Mini-Mining Robot of NASA

RASSOR: the Mini-Mining Robot of NASA

The newest space explorer of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), RASSOR is a mining robot at the prototype stage for now, but landing a similar robot to moon is planned. It is both an autonomous and a teleoperated mobile robotic platform with space excavation abilities and can be regarded as a closer step […]

IBM Watson to be improved

IBM’s Watson AI program is a unique artificial intelligence computer system with a capability of grasping the slight differences in natural human language and answering the questions that are asked by human users. It has a wide range of data and can give answers even with evidences. It was specifically designed to answer the questions […]