Coyote—A Tale of Unexpected Consequences Elizabeth Rhett Woods Synopsis Part I Coyote—A Tale of Unexpected Consequences is the story of an intelligent robot coyote who longs to be free, and her relations with her creators. Zoë Neville, a published poet, and amateur photographer, is invited to submit a short film, on any subject she chooses, […]
The following video shows how the European firm Wasserbauer uses robots in animal healthcare industry. Utilizing robots enable better weight control and health of livestock. Robots can track feeding instructions for different animals and also feeding history. The data is managed at a centralized location, by the software manufacturer ITTA DB. Animals are tracked by […]
The researchers in United Kingdom have managed to control a robot by neurons of a rat brain. The experiment aims for gaining new insights into Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, which are both neurological diseases.It will enable scientist to help understand how the brain learns and remembers memories. The robot, which is solely controlled by the […]