One of the jobs that humans will likely loose to robots very soon, will be security, it seems. In one of the most recent news appeared on the net, Microsoft has announced that it has robot security guard patrols in its campus. To see the report on pcmag, visit here.

Knightscope developed an autonomous technology platform that fuses robotics, predictive analytics and collaborative social engagement to predict and prevent crime. Deployment of the platform will empower public and private sectors to proactively build stronger, safer communities, ultimately saving money and lives.

Knightscope’s Autonomous Data Machines (ADMs) are fully autonomous robots with an array of onboard sensors used to monitor the surrounding environment and provide a physical and commanding presence in public places where security is needed. It communicates via a wireless network directly with the Knightscope Security Operations Center (KSOC), a browser-based user interface, to provide real-time alerts of unusual or suspicious activity. Robots are now available for preorder in the Silicon Valley area at
Photos and Video: ©Knightscope, Inc. 2014 (
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