Robot Simulators and Physics Engines

In this post we will take a look at robot simulators and physics engines which should be discussed together. Robot Simulator: Basically a robot simulator is a computer program that facilitates building and testing of robots in a virtual environment. Some key points: Firstly, robot simulators help save great deal of time and money by […]

Power Management in Electrical Circuits

Effective power management is essential for effectively distribute, store and control power in electrical circuits of any size and purpose. By this, energy waste is reduced, and components within the circuit are also protected from being exposed to overcurrent and getting overheated. Our attention as always are not macro power systems but micro systems such […]

What is an Inverter and How does it work

An inverter is a device to change DC current to AC. It can be used for example to run devices during electric outages or remote areas without electrical service. For example at a remote area if you have solar panel to supply electricity, it would be a DC voltage. You need an inverter to modify […]

Pipe mapping and repairing robot of CMU

Pipe mapping and repairing robot of CMU

Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute Researchers have developed a robot that can crawl inside natural gas pipelines to map them, while also detecting and repairing their leaks when necessary. The research project, which is near completion, was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) and its Rapid […]

ABB aims to boost robot AI and mobility

ABB bought a Swiss tech company to improve its industrial robots’ AI and mobility capabilities. See full story at: . Terms of use:Copying or republishing of content of this website is not allowed without written permission from us. Note that we make dated records of our posts using several methods.The content in this website […]

Electrical Circuit

An electrical circuit is a loop which provides a path for electric current (electric charge) to flow. This loop must be closed. In other words, the current must be able to flow from positive to negative terminals otherwise the flow will not take place. The charge is made possible by a source such as a […]

Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors

Conductors: Conductors are the materials that easily allow flow of electric current upon application of voltage, such as copper. Conductivity is the measure of how easily current will flow through that material and shown by the symbol σ (sigma). Its unit is Siemens / meter (S/m) but usually milliSiemens / meter is used. It is […]

Sensors and Transducers

Sensors and transducers can sometimes be confused because they both react to some change in their environment but they are not the same thing. SENSOR A sensor is a component in an electronic system that can detect (sense) various types of changes in the physical environment and as a result, communicate these to the bigger […]

Analog vs. Digital Electronics

We can look at electronics in two different ways, both of which have different uses, which are analog vs. digital electronics. In short, analog electronics deals with continuous, smoothly varying signals, and digital electronics is about handling discrete signals (which are either on or off or in other words, 1 or 0). ANALOG ELECTRONİCS In […]

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