A Biomimetic jumping microrobot

Mechanical locomotion principles from jumping insects applied to microrobots. Researchers from the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at EPFL are unveiling a novel, grasshopper-inspired jumping robot at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation today in Pasadena, California.The robot weighs a miniscule 7 grams, and can jump 1.4 meters, or more than 27 times its […]

Georgia Tech Partnering to Create National Robotics Strategy

Academic Leaders in Robotics Research Announce Effort To Create National Strategy for Robotics Growth…Atlanta (April 24, 2008) Citing the critical importance of the continued growth of robotics to U.S. competitiveness, 11 universities are taking the lead in developing an integrated national strategy for robotics research. . The United States is the only nation engaged in […]

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