T-Rex is an industrial grade hybrid remote control mover produced by Evatech Inc. It uses Evatech’s patented hybrid power system, and has tracks like a tank. T-Rex can go just about anywhere. First released to the market in 2010, its primary purpose is to mow steep slopes and rough terrain.
The T-Rex is safe and easy to use. Because it is remotely controlled by an operator, it is ideal to mow and maintain areas that would not be safe for the operator. The immense power, low center of gravity, reliability, and rugged durability enable the T-Rex to handle a heavy work load. Because it is so efficient, it will increase productivity while reducing risk and labor cost. T-Rex’s target use area is anywhere with rough terrain which is difficult to maintain. It has seen great success while being used by various government agencies, municipalities, and the military to maintain retention ponds, highway overpasses, and canals.
T-Rex uses green technology and is built in the USA. It can be modified and/or custom built for any special mowing needs. The retail price is $25,000. It can be purchased from Evatech’s website, www.evatech.net or by calling 727-643-7242
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