Robocup 2011 to be held in Istanbul Turkey, in July

Robocup is a worldwide robotics competition event held annually. The main categories are Soccer, Rescue and Dance, with Soccer being the most popular. This year’s event took place in Singapore between 19-25th June and hosted 500 teams from 40 different countries and a total of more than 3000 participants. The number of teams and participants grows every year. The official goal of the Robocup Soccer competition is to have a fully autonomous robot soccer team which will be able to defeat the most recent FIFA World Cup winner, by mid century. In general, soccer games in robotics is particularly of interest to engineers and robot builders, as it involves many different robotic challenges to be overcome. Robocup 2011 will take place in Istanbul, Turkey from 5th-11th of July. Here is the event website: Robocup 2011 – Istanbul, Turkey

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