Autonomous cars

Autonomous cars are headed our way and with full speed. Recent developments and performances seen in the real world are promising . Read an indepth article about autonomous cars in the link below, which covers its history, current developments and where it is headed to:

RobotCar the New Autonomous Car

RobotCar the New Autonomous Car

A new autonomous car called RobotCar is designed by the Mobile Robotics Group (MRG) of Department of Engineering Science at Oxford University in the UK. What distinguishes this autonomous car from others is its price in comparison to its technology. Currently, the team has 22 researchers and is in collaboration with Nissan by using their […]

The Autonomous Vehicle of China: Fierce Lion 3

“Fierce Lion 3” won the prize in the contest of smart vehicles, the fourth Future Challenge by driving 114 kilometers  from Beijing to Tianjin in 85 minutes, with a top speed of 105 kilometers per hour. It passed a wide variety of tricky tests such as driving straight, pursuing traffic, changing lanes, managing with slower traffic […]