MIT Cheetah Robot

The cheetah robot which is designed by MIT and funded by DARPA makes some very cool jumps, as seen in the video below. Credit: MIT, Darpa Source:
The cheetah robot which is designed by MIT and funded by DARPA makes some very cool jumps, as seen in the video below. Credit: MIT, Darpa Source:
MIT guys are at it again… This time it is a robot cheetah… It can run at speeds up to 10 mph (16 kmh) and can jump over obstacles of considerable heights, in comparison to its height. The robot also demonstrates for the first time that electrically powered motors can be used to operate this […]
Although not particularly for robotics software, but for all types of software in general, a news worth noting appeared last week in Technology Review, which reported a recent project done by MIT Computer Scientists. In short, the team developed a software that can find certain type of software bugs and fix them. The new software […]
In the latest AUVSI, Association for Unmanned Systems International challenge 2009, the International Aerial Robotics Competition, the winning team’s robot was a helicopter that can navigate inside a building by itself and find and image a control panel, without the use of any GPS. The hardware of the system was designed by a team in […]
The space shuttle’s 45-foot robotic arm may look simple and automatic as it gracefully lifts a multi-ton satellite from the cargo bay and lets it drift off into space…Far from it…Controlling the spindly arm is a delicate process of manipulating multi-axis joysticks with both hands simultaneously — a feat that makes rubbing your stomach while […]