The newest space explorer of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), RASSOR is a mining robot at the prototype stage for now, but landing a similar robot to moon is planned. It is both an autonomous and a teleoperated mobile robotic platform with space excavation abilities and can be regarded as a closer step […]
The second version of Nasa’s famous robonaut is ready for its new mission. The robot has recently been introduced to the press and seem to be able to move its arms almost lke a human. The robot is designed to perform tedious and repetitive tasks for the astronauts. Reference:
Hundreds of satellites orbit our planet today and the number is increasing at an accelerating rate. The geostationary orbit, a fixed distance from earth surface, enables satellites to remain at a fixed location in comparison to earth’s surface, only occurs at somewhere around 22000 miles (around 34000 kilometers) above earth. Due to the evident advantages […]