According to the International Federation of Robotics, (IFR) after stopping for a while due to the crisis in 2009, the demand for automation increased again in 2010. The recovery represents a stong surge upward, an increase of 27%, or 76,000 units. The majority of the demand came from China, Republic of Korea and South East Asian countries. The North American and Japanese demand has also recovered, where it had seen a decrease in the recet years. European demand increase remained slow however.
The increase in demand is not only just a rebounce from the crisis or a quantitative increase of the previous type of applications, but it is also a representation of growing application areas of automation, where the industrial robots are capable of performing more and more variety of tasks and their flexibility increases. With the increasing processing and AI capacity, soon it will be inevitable that they will move out of the factories, where they work in predefined environments, to the outside world or our houses, where the working environment is ever changing.
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