Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 is here

Lego is officially launching the next version of its famous robotics kit Mindstorms NXT as of August 1st.The pre-selling already started on July 1st on a few websites such as The updated kit has a bigger number of elements – now 619 pieces – and 4 new robotic models. Additional touch sensor and a long awaited color sensor are also included in the new set. With the new software, there is also a remote control system added to the set. Other new features are:

Pack and Go, which allows users to share programs, as long as the other users have version 2.0.

Bluetooth Contact block, which allows communication between multiple NXTs, therefore making complex systems possible. One NXT can be connected to 3 other NXTs at any given time.

Picture and Sound Editor, which allows to import picture and sound files, for displaying when the user wants.

The 10 extra bonus models with instructions will be made available on shortly…

For more, please check lego mindstorms website

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