Jeopardy Champ Watson to help in Healthcare Industry

IBM’s Watson computer, which became famous last month by beating human champions in Jeopardy, will be commercialized in Healthcare industry, according to a recent research and development agreement between IBM and Nuance Communications.

The development project will combine Watson’s abilities in Language and Machine Learning and Nuance’s speech recognition and Clinical Language understanding abilities. The forecast for the first available commercial version is around 18-24 months.

The project is also aided by Columbia University Medical Center and University of Maryland, where these institutions identify how a machine like Watson could be of more help in medicine by identifying most critical problems. The main goal is to aid the decision makers by quickly processing huge amount of knowledge, therefore enabling the Doctors to get access to much more relevant information instantly, therefore improving their diagnosis and treatment of patients.

According to the research agreement, IBM and Nuance are committed to a five year project to advance next generation natural language speech technologies, which will later be commercialized by Nuance. IBM also designated Nuance its preferred business partner for speech technologies.


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