I would like to call this “the most advanced robotics competition we will witness”. It is called DRC (DARPA Robotics Challenge) organized by DARPA, the initiator of internet, the organization which helped advance the use of autonomous cars, and many more cool technologies. It is an ambitious competition that only the most advanced robotics teams […]
NASA Rover Curiosity used its on-board drills for the first time on February 8th, to sample Martian rock. The robot dug a hole of 2.5 inches deep and 0.63 inch diameter into the bedrock, in order to collect rock sample, which will be studied to gather evidence of the history of the planet. The collected […]
The newest space explorer of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), RASSOR is a mining robot at the prototype stage for now, but landing a similar robot to moon is planned. It is both an autonomous and a teleoperated mobile robotic platform with space excavation abilities and can be regarded as a closer step […]
Robonaut 2 -which was designed and built through the partnership of NASA and General Motors with assistance from Oceaneering Space Systems engineers- is on aboard the International Space Station. Robonaut 2 was launched in February 2011 with the last flight of Nasa’s discovery space shuttle and it started to work last March. Robonaut 2’s first […]
Peratech gives NASA a hand RICHMOND, North Yorks, England – 15 October 2012. Peratech, the innovator in touch technology, has been presented with a Tech Brief Award by NASA in recognition for its contribution of QTC™ technology that was used to provide fingertip sensitivity for the Robonaut. This is a human shaped robot with a metal […]
In a new research and development project undertaken by DARPA, even more level of autonomy is aimed for robots. The goal of the project is to create robots that will be able to perform more advanced tasks by themselves, requiring only a high level of supervision from humans. The project team is divided into two, […]
The space shuttle’s 45-foot robotic arm may look simple and automatic as it gracefully lifts a multi-ton satellite from the cargo bay and lets it drift off into space…Far from it…Controlling the spindly arm is a delicate process of manipulating multi-axis joysticks with both hands simultaneously — a feat that makes rubbing your stomach while […]