In a recent conference organized by Wall Street Journal, IBM CEO said that the Watson AI program is to be used by a billion users by 2018. Watson is a natural language processing AI program, which made an impressive entry to news headlines, when it had defeated human champions in the game Jeopardy. Since then […]
As ROS – Robot Operating System is being used by more and more robots, a new form of building robots that uses ROS is coming into play, which is called H-ROS, Hardware Robot Operating System. This is currently supported by several companies that adopt its standard interfaces. Each piece runs ROS 2.0 on its own […]
Today by far the most commonly used robotics software is ROS, which stands for Robot Operating System. This is an open source software, and the most number of developers and robotics users are involved with this program with an ever increasing rate. It contains set of libraries, algorithms, developer tools and drivers for developing robotics […]
A team of scientists has developed an algorithm that captures our learning abilities, enabling computers to recognize and draw simple visual concepts that are mostly indistinguishable from those created by humans. The work, which appears in the latest issue of the journal Science, marks a significant advance in the field—one that dramatically shortens the time […]
Vortex is a simulation platform to simulate robot operations in real time, either for operator training or during design phase. It is made by CM Labs Simulations Inc. The company recently introduced the Vortex 6.6, the latest upgrade. An example of the software for robotics applications can […]
Researchers at Disney company developed a new robotic tool that makes designing walking robots so easy, which eliminates having to deal with walking mathematics of robots and creates a ready to print model of the robot within even minutes. After tests, they indicated that the design is in fairly good agreement with the real physical […]
In an effort to facilitate learning of its AI platform Watson, IBM has bought a medical imaging company, in order to show its Watson lots (billions) of medical images, to improve its diagnostics ability. The system could prove very helpful in assisting doctors to make diagnostics. See details here:
Here is a detailed article about artificial intelligence and deep learning in technologyreview:
During a recent event in New York, Google CEO argued that AI is here not to take away our jobs, but to make our lives better, at the same time reorganizing the way new jobs are created. You can read about the report on Newsweek here. Google recently acquired several robotics and AI companies, the […]
According to a report in MIT Technology Review, the start up called DeepMind, that was purchased by Google earlier this year, demonstrated a humanlike ability for a neural network for the first time ever, in neural network research. The program, which builds on the decades old knowledge of “chunks of knowledge” processing of human brain, […]