Robotnik, in collaboration with Gaitech and Smokie Robotics, has developed its new mobile manipulator
called JR2. The new robot will be announced at the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA, May 29 to June 3, 2017 at Singapore).
JR2 is an industrial grade Collaborative Mobile Manipulator and it’s fully autonomous and completely
integrated. In this sense, its main advantages are: an integrated software, wide range of tutorials and
examples in ROS software, omnidirectional base, competitive price and high speed.
This innovating Collaborative Mobile Manipulator is specially designed for the development of industrial
applications. JR2 is the ideal robot for logistics, industrial mobile manipulation: pick&place, pick&feed,
fetch&carry, etc.
JR2 has as base an omnidirectional platform using 4 high power motor wheels and is able to carry
payloads up to 100 Kg. Furthermore, JR2 mounts a 6 DOF high quality industrial collaborative arm that
can handle payloads up to 5 Kg (completely extended). The arm can mount almost any standard end
effector, including 2/3 finger servo-grippers and range of cameras and sensors.
Technical specifications
Dimensions 800X550X420mm
Weight 125 Kg
Payload 100 Kg
Speed 3 m/s
Enclosure class IP 54
Autonomy 8 h.
Batteries LiFePO4 15Ah@48V
Traction motors 4x500W
Temperature range 0º to 45º C
Range Finders 10m / 20m (Optional)
Weight 24 Kg.
Payload 5 Kg.
Reach 924,5 mm
Gripper (Optional) WSG-50
Weight 1,15 Kg.
Repeatability +-0,03
Strok per finger 55 mm
JR2 uses the ROS open architecture. The software of the robot includes a navigation system as well as an
HMI for mission planning, diagnostics and remote control. The JR2 model is available in ROS including
the completely configured MoveIt! Packages.
For more information: JR2
Robotnik Automation, since 2002, has been established as a european reference company in mobile
service robotics.
Gaitech Technology is an innovative company focused on robotics and develop advanced products
based on ROS.
Smokie Robotics manufactures light-weight collaborative robot.
For further information contact with María Benítez: mbenitez@robotnik.es
Robotnik © | C/ Ciutat de Barcelona, 3-A | 46988 – Valencia | Tel. +34 96 147 54 00 | info@robotnik.es
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